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Flag Day Monument
Timeline 2016-2023


The monument idea started as a conversation in 2015 about how we could celebrate Flag Day every day, and honor Dr. Bernard Cigrand, a Batavian who had the vision to make the day happen in preparation to the 100th Anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson's 1916 Flag Day Proclamation. But this monument does much more.


The flag tells the story of our nation’s history. It celebrates the arrival of new states, is lowered to honor our dead, and marks significant events in time. The design of this monument captures these stories and events in a way that is beautiful and educational.


The monument unfolds our nation’s history beginning in 1776 and continuing through 2064, marked by 36 year increments. The design features a 40’ diameter helix monument with 6’ wide walkway around the perimeter. The flag pole is 50’ tall and will display a 10’ x 18’ flag.


Groundbreaking for the Flag Day Monument took place on June 14, 2022 and on October 1st, 2023, the Flag Day Monument was dedicated after nearly eight years of fundraising and delays due to the COVID epidemic.

Vasilion Architects

Contributing to the Flag Day Monument is

Investing in the Future

The Design

Steve Vasilion

Vasilion Architects

The design features a 40’ diameter helix monument with 6’ wide walkway around the perimeter. The flag pole is 50’ tall and will display a 10’ x 18’ flag.



The helix reflects our steady population growth. Population plaques will be spaced at intervals: the lowest part of the helix reflects our 1776 population of 2.6 million and rises steadily until its highest point with the most recent census population of 310.2 million.



The five black marble obelisks, which up light the Flag at night,  commemorate iconic flag events:

  • Bernard J. Cigrand and the creation of Flag Day.

  • Continental Congress established official flag; Betsy Ross, the reputed seamstress, and Francis Hopkinton.

  • Francis Scott Key, Fort McHenry, and the writing of the Star Spangled Banner in 1814.

  • The raising of the flag at Iwo Jima in WWII in 1945.

  • The placing of the U.S. flag on the moon in 1969.


Red Bands:

The red bands reflect the time periods our nation has been at war. Each major armed conflict will be commemorated with a plaque containing a QR code that takes one to further educational resources.


White Bands:

These bands consist of white tiles that are associated to significant cultural, civic or flag related events.


Blue Bands:

There are 27 official flags. By law, one star must be added for each new state. The blue bands denote the length of time each flag flew as any colored tile represents one year. A plaque will commemorate each one.​

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Vasilion Architects

Our Mission
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Vasilion Architects

The Symbolism

Bronze Plaques:
Bronze plaques are placed on the Monument wall adjacent to their corresponding colored band. These plaques note that band's historical fact. QR codes in the lower corner can be scanned to provide additional educational information.


Ring of Honor:

The 6’ wide walkway around the perimeter of the monument will be called The Ring of Honor. Of the 3,500+ service personnel who have received the Congressional Medal of Honor, 208 hailed from Illinois. Each of them will be honored with a small plaque on the periphery of the ring. There will be adequate room to honor future recipients.


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